Odd Semester Student Survey Academic Year 2023/2024 Phase Two: Students Acknowledge the Reliability of Faculty and Staff.

Photo: doc. Medkom Maranatha Christian University

A total of 2,489 active students of Maranatha Christian University have completed the Phase Two Odd Semester Student Satisfaction Survey for the Academic Year 2023/2024, conducted by the Quality Assurance Unit (SPM) of Maranatha University. Previously, this questionnaire had been distributed through website To gather respondents, the Quality Assurance Unit (SPM) utilized three methods to encourage student participation in this survey, namely, sending notifications via email and WhatsApp to the heads of study programs with copies to the deans of faculties and vice deans for academic affairs to remind students to fill out the satisfaction questionnaire. Additionally, SPM requested assistance from lecturers to encourage their students, as well as urging the Faculty Quality Assurance Team (TPMF) tofollow up.

Based on the completed questionnaire, this Phase II survey was participated in by 2,489 students out of a total of 5,909 active students, or if expressed in percentage, response rate This satisfaction survey garnered a participation rate of 42.12%. When analyzed by faculty, the highest participation rate was from the Faculty of Psychology (21.1%), and the lowest was from the Faculty of Engineering (5.7%). Meanwhile, based on study programs, the highest participation rate was from the Doctoral Program in Management at 100%, and the lowest was from the Bachelor of Medicine program, with response rate 17,66% (Refer to Chart 1.1 and 1.2)

When viewed by year of enrollment, the highest participation rate came from the 2023 cohort at 32.4%, while the lowest participation rate was from the 2015 cohort, at 0.1%. (Refer to Chart 1.3)

The aspect of reliability remains the highest

The survey results indicate that the level of student satisfaction is at an average score of 86.1%. Similarly to before, there are five instrument aspects in this survey,namely (reliability, responsiveness, assurance,empathy,andtangible). (Refer to Chart 1.4)

Reliability  remains the highest aspect with a percentage of 88.6%. This indicates that the majority of Maranatha University students feel that lecturers have delivered course material in an engaging and understandable manner, and that the faculty and study programs possess accurate academic data.

In the second position, followed by the aspect of ,empathy, with a percentage of 88.1%. This aspect illustrates that many students acknowledge that Maranatha University lecturers have good academic credibility and are trusted, as well as being friendly and courteous. Lecturers are also perceived as fair and unbiased in their assessments.

The third highest aspect is and at 87%. This percentage indicates that students believe that lecturers are capable of encouraging and motivating them to do their best. Additionally, lecturers are also perceived as sympathetic and supportive of each student's needs. Administrative staff are also trusted to provide attentive service to every student.

Next is the aspect of  with a percentage of 86.3%, indicating that students believe that Maranatha University lecturers and administrative staff are responsive in assisting to solve problems that arise during lectures. Students also acknowledge that the faculty and study programs are open to those who wish to voice their complaints.

The last aspect is tangible. This aspect is at a percentage of 81.1%. It depicts students acknowledging that the campus environment as a whole has good cleanliness, sufficient parking space, well-designed and comfortable classrooms, easy-to-use Maranatha Online Learning facilities or MORNING, and more.

When viewed based on the satisfaction level per aspect, the aspect of ,empathy, 41% being very good, and 47% being good. The second aspect is tangible 36% being very good, and 45% being good. Moving on to the empathy aspect, 39% being very good, and 48% being good. The fourth aspect is  40% being very good, and 47% being good. Lastly, the aspect of namely (reliability, responsiveness, assurance 41% being very good, and 47% being good.  Refer to Chart 1.5

Source: news.maranatha.edu



