Attainment of Accreditation "Unggul", Maranatha Hosts Press Conference and Discussion

Photo: doc. Medkom Maranatha Christian University


In Pursuit of Accreditation "Unggul" in pursuit of the accreditation set by BAN-PT on March 20, 2024, Maranatha Christian University held a press conference and discussion on Wednesday, April 3, 2024, at the Lobby of the Central Administration Building. The event was led by the Secretary General of Maranatha Christian University, Robby Yussac Tallar, S.T., M.T., Dipl.IWRM., Ph.D., and attended by University Leaders, Management and Supervisory Board of the Maranatha Christian University Foundation (YPTKM), representatives from the Quality Assurance Unit (SPM), the University Accreditation Team (APT), as well as media personnel.

During the discussion, the Rector of Maranatha University, Prof. Ir. Sri Widiyantoro, M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU, emphasized that achieving Excellent Accreditation is the result of Maranatha University's accelerated development in recent years. He also reaffirmed the University's commitment to submitting several study programs for international accreditation as an effort to strengthen the university's internationalization dimension.

The Chairman of the Maranatha Christian University Foundation (YPTKM), Orias Petrus Moedak, S.E., highlighted Maranatha's role in providing access to higher education to the community and providing supporting facilities, such as Maranatha Dental and Oral Hospital as well as Excellent Health Care Hospital, to meet the health needs of students, especially those from out of town.

"We do have new locations that have been operational since this year in Kota Baru Parahyangan, and there will also be other places that we will explore so that this Excellent Accreditation can be maximally utilized for the development of Maranatha and also as a platform for us to participate in nation-building," said Orias.

Additionally, Joni, S.E., M.Si., Ak., Ph.D., Chairman of the Quality Assurance Unit (SPM), conveyed that Maranatha already has five internationally accredited study programs. He also explained that the University is currently preparing other programs to obtain international accreditation as part of efforts to build its reputation nationally and internationally.

Maranatha has also provided opportunities for individuals in need of continuing education through Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and pathways fast track Over the past three years. Vice Rector for Academic and Research, Dr. Se Tin, S.E., M.Si., Ak., also added that Maranatha also offers pathways fast track for outstanding students, enabling them to complete bachelor's and master's programs within five years or five and a half years.

"Our goal (Maranatha) is to build quality, such as the quality of research, educators/lecturers, researchers, and of course, everything ultimately aims to build Maranatha's credibility and reputation at the national and global levels," said Se Tin. (av/gn)


