Master Program in Skin Ageing and Aesthetic Medicine at Maranatha University Undergoes Field Assessment Visitation

Photo: doc. Medkom Maranatha Christian University


Master Program in Skin Ageing and Aesthetic Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine Maranatha University has undergone field assessment visitation organized by the assessor team from the Independent Accreditation Agency for Health Higher Education (LAM-PTKes). The visitation took place over two days, from March 18-19, 2024. Two representatives from LAM-PTKes were present Prof. Dr. dr. Wawaimuli Arozal, M.Biomed., Pharm.D., and Dr. Mariatul Fadilah, MARS., Ph.D.

The accreditation process commenced with an opening ceremony held at the Meeting Room of the Faculty of Medicine, Building D. The opening ceremony was attended by the Rector of University , Prof. Ir. Sri Widiyantoro, M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU; Vice Rector for Academics and Research of Maranatha University, Dr. Se Tin, S.E., M.Si, Ak., CA.; Vice Rector for Finance, Strategic Development, and Information Technology, Maya Malinda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D.; Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Innovation, and Partnerships, Dr. Krismanto Kusbiantoro, S.T., M.T., CIQaR.; Vice Rector for Resources, Ir. Olga Catherina Pattipawaej, M.S., Ph.D.; University General Secretary, Robby Yussac Tallar, S.T., M.T., Dipl.IWRM, Ph.D.; Head of Quality Assurance Unit, Joni, S.E., M.Si., Ak., CA., CPSAK., Ph.D., and staff; Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. dr. Diana Krisanti Jasaputra, M.Kes., and staff; Chair of the Master Program in Skin Ageing and Aesthetic Medicine, dr. Anton Sumarpo, Ph.D., and staff.

In his speech, the Rector expressed gratitude to the assessors for attending Maranatha University. 'With this visitation, the Master Program in Skin Ageing and Aesthetic Medicine can learn a lot from both the assessors and LAM-PTKes. The Directorate will fully support whatever is needed, so that the hope for further progress can be realized,' he said.

Prof. Wawaimuli, as the representative assessor, expressed gratitude to the program for consenting to the field visitation. 'Thank you for allowing us to conduct this field accreditation visitation, which is a continuation of the preliminary sufficiency assessment that was previously conducted. We have also discussed by examining the self-evaluation report and performance report of the Master Program in Skin Ageing and Aesthetic Medicine. With this field visitation, we can further review the facilities and infrastructure, as well as the teaching and learning processes for the students,' he stated."

The visitation activities were continued with campus tour for the campus facilities and infrastructure inspection, especially those within the Faculty of Medicine, the assessors also conducted interviews with faculty members, administrative staff, and students.

The visitation process concluded with feedback from the assessors to the program leadership, accompanied by the signing of the official report. The accreditation results are expected to be announced in April

