Maranatha Christian University Achieves Institutional Accreditation "Unggul"

Photo: doc. Medkom Maranatha Christian University


The National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (BAN-PT) has determined that Maranatha Christian University is accredited "Unggul", after undergoing field assessment on March 15, 2024. This decision was established through decree No. 330/SK/BAN-PT/Ak/PT/III/2024, dated March 20, 2024.

Grateful for the achievement of accreditation "Unggul"The Rector of Maranatha Christian University, Prof. Ir. Sri Widiyantoro, M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU, explained that the university's accreditation preparation had been underway since 2020 through a series of programs developed as part of long-term preparation steps.

The development of Maranatha Christian University has been accelerating in recent years, hence it's considered appropriate to undergo the reaccreditation process. Prof. Sri emphasized that the excellence of the university heavily relies on its human resources.

The Rector mentioned that Maranatha's next task is to maintain its ranking "Unggul". "Maintaining its ranking "Unggul" "Is more challenging than achieving it, but with best practice the good practices that have been implemented, Maranatha just needs to continue that progress," he said.

Quality for Nation Building

Prof. Sri also explained the importance of accreditation "Unggul" for students and alumni. He said, "Institutional accreditation "Unggul" and International accreditation that has been successfully achieved by several study programs opens opportunities for students to excel in the future, both domestically and internationally."

The Chairman of the Maranatha Christian University Foundation (YPTKM), Orias Petrus Moedak, S.E., stated that accreditation "Unggul" holds significant value as it reflects the university's position in the eyes of society. Accreditation also serves as a tool to evaluate the university's achievements.

"YPTKM participates in regularly assessing operational, financial, legal, and reputational risks. The foundation also prepares tangible evidence to support the accreditation targets it aims to achieve," explained Orias.

Previously, in the opening remarks field assessment During the AIPT on March 15, 2024, the Head of the Higher Education Regional Office IV, Dr. M. Samsuri, S.Pd., M.T., IPU, stated that the Regional Office continues to encourage universities to provide quality education services to the community.

He advised, "Compete in quality, synergize to build the nation. In matters of quality, we must compete, but we have one goal, to synergize in building the nation by enhancing the quality of human resources." (av/gn)


