Visitation of LAM INFOKOM for the Accreditation of the Bachelor's Program in Information Systems

Photo: doc. Medkom Maranatha Christian University

The Independent Accreditation Institution for Informatics and Computers (LAM INFOKOM) conducted a visitation at Maranatha Christian University on November 20-21. This visitation was held for the accreditation assessment of the Bachelor's Program in Information Systems. Among the attendees were two assessors: Dr.Eng. Febriliyan Samopa, S.Kom., M.Kom. (Sepuluh November Institute of Technology) and Debby Erce Sondakh, S.Kom., M.T., Ph.D. (Klabat University).

The first day's activities commenced with an opening ceremony at the Integrity Room, Central Administration Building. The opening ceremony was attended by the Vice Rector for Academic and Research Affairs, Dr. Se Tin, S.E., M.Si., Ak.; Vice Rector for Finance, Strategic Development, and Information Technology, Maya Malinda, S.E., M.T., Ph.D.; Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Innovation, and Partnerships, Dr. Krismanto Kusbiantoro, S.T., M.T., CIQaR; Vice Rector for Resources Affairs, Ir. Olga Catherina Pattipawaej, M.S., Ph.D.; Head of Quality Assurance Unit, Joni, S.E., M.Si., Ak., Ph.D., CA., and their respective teams; the Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology, Ir. Teddy Marcus Zakaria, M.T.; and the Head of the Bachelor's Program in Information Systems, Sendy Ferdian Sujadi, S.Kom., M.T.

Through her opening address, Se Tin expressed gratitude to the assessors for their presence. "We are grateful for the presence of the esteemed assessors who have come to conduct the field assessment activities for the Bachelor's Program in Information Systems. The objective of this field assessment is to ensure that the Information Systems Program aligns with the established standards. I also hope for continuous improvement in the quality of information system education in the future. We all hope that the two-day field assessment visitation process will run smoothly and effectively. Regarding this visitation, we are certainly open to all constructive criticism and feedback to enhance the Information Systems for the future.

As a representative of LAM INFOKOM, Febriliyan also delivered a speech, 'I am here representing LAM INFOKOM to conduct the field assessment. My objective here is to observe and take note of everything within Maranatha University. To achieve optimal results, we need collaboration throughout this field assessment visitation. I hope that these two days of activities will run smoothly and yield the best possible outcomes.' Debby added that the field assessment activities are a continuation of the sufficiency assessment process. She also hopes that the forthcoming results can serve as a good model for other students and universities.

The visitation activities were continued with campus tour To conduct an inspection of campus facilities and infrastructure, particularly those within the Faculty of Information Technology (FTI). Assessors will also review documents and conduct interviews with faculty members, staff, students, alumni, and users of FTI UK Maranatha graduates.

The visitation series concluded with a closing ceremony, including the presentation of assessment results by the assessors and the signing of the official report. (va/vir)

