
A Brief History of Quality Assurance System at Maranatha Christian University

Through Rector's Decree Number 030/SK/UKM/IX/2003, Maranatha Christian University has demonstrated its commitment to developing an Internal Quality Assurance System (SPMI) by appointing a committee to form a Quality Assurance Unit (QA Unit). This commitment was reaffirmed by the Rector's Decree Number 069/SK/UKM/X/2005, which formally established a Quality Assurance Unit (QA Unit). Through its development, this Unit has an increasingly broad and strategic role so that the QA Unit was changed to the Planning, Monitoring and Quality Assurance Agency (BPPJM) based on the Rector's Decree Number 140/SK/UKM/V/2008 which later changed its name to the Quality Assurance Agency (BPM) in accordance with the Rector's Decree Number 131/SK/ORG/UKM/VI/2018. The Quality Assurance Agency (BPM) then changed its name again to the Quality Assurance Unit (SPM) in accordance with the Rector's Decree Number 332/SK/ORG/UKM/VIII/2020.

Audit & Monitoring

Contains the results of the Audit and Monitoring Report along with the Maranatha Christian University Quality Document


Contains the entire report of the results of the survey conducted at Maranatha Christian University

Accreditation & Reputation

Contains information about the Accreditation (International & National) and Ranking (International & National) of Maranatha Christian University

SPM UK Maranatha Contact


Telp. +62 22 - 201 2186
Ext. 7145
Fax. +62 22 2015154


Gedung Administrasi Pusat (GAP)
3rd floor, SPM Room
Jl. Prof. drg. Surya Sumantri, MPH. No.65
Bandung, West Java